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„Audiobook! Audio book! Make an audio book! ”- something like this has been going on for months on my Facebook page and after my shows at the autograph table. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a certain basic skepticism towards audio books. (See chapter “Ironing books” from “The genitive is sex for the nerd”). The nice people at Audio18 persuaded me to read at least one chapter from the „Twenty Thousand Travel Guides“ and what can I say – I had a lot of fun. Damned. As of today, “Europe’s Leverkusen” is online, on Spotify, Deezer and Amazon. As a test balloon, so to speak. Have a listen, share the link ( and say what you think – if you have as much fun with it as I do, I’ll probably put the headphones on again and read the rest …

„Twenty thousand tour guides – when complete strangers send you across the continent“ (published by BoD, ISBN 978-3-7481-3012-3) is available wherever there are books. And as an eBook on all known platforms. If you want it to be quick: just order here . More information about the book and reading samples at